任务. The 部门 of KSLS embraces the 任务 of the College of Education and Grambling 州立大学. The 部门’s mission entails a commitment to academic excellence, quality assurance and accreditation of degree programs as well as preparation of competent, skilled professionals in kinesiology and leisure studies at the undergraduate level and sports administration at the graduate level. 学生 who select Kinesiology, Sport and 休闲研究 as their degree program have the option of pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in one of two tracks: Kinesiology or 休闲研究. 在 Kinesiology track, students may pursue a concentration in either: Health Promotion (Non-Teaching); Pedagogy (Teaching K-12); or, Sport Management. The completion of 120 semester credit hours with a minimum cumulative grade point average (cgpa) 2.50, inclusive of completing a required internship leads 到得B.S. degree in Kinesiology. The completion of 122 semester credit hours with a minimum cgpa of 2.50包容 of successful passage on the PRAXIS Examination and completion of the required student teaching as a Teacher Candidate leads 到得B.S. degree in Kinesiology (Pedagogy/K-12).
在 休闲研究 (LS) track, students may pursue a concentration in either: General Recreation (GR); or Therapeutic Recreation (TR). The completion of 120 semester credit hours with a minimum of cgpa of 2.50包容 of a required internship leads 到得B.S. degree in 休闲研究 (General Recreation or Therapeutic Recreation). For the TR concentration, students are also eligible or required to take (and pass) the Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) Examination.
Furthermore, the Kinesiology (Pedagogy Program) is accredited by CAEP while the Leisure Studies Program is accredited by COAPRT.
Graduate Degree Program. The Masters of Science (M.S.) degree in Sports 政府 (SPA) is offered through the 部门 of Kinesiology, Sport and 休闲研究. A non-thesis program, the SPA Graduate Program requires the completion of thirty-nine (39) semester credit hours with a minimum cgpa of 3.00 including an internship. Of the 39 semester credit hours, 33 are required and students may select 6 hours in electives.
Although the SPA Program does not offer areas of specialization, students have the flexibility of choosing electives according to their area of interest.
学生 must meet the admission requirement established by the Office of Graduate Studies prior to being formally admitted into the SPA Graduate Program by the KSLS 部门. Additionally, students have the option of beginning their program of study in either the Fall Semester, Spring Semester, or Summer Sessions (I or II).
CAEP advances excellence in educator preparation through evidence-based accreditation that assures quality and supports continuous improvement to strengthen P-12 student 学习.
With the July 1, 2013 事实上的 consolidation of NCATE and TEAC into CAEP as the new accrediting body for educator preparation, please visit http://caepnet.org for general information. For those engaged in legacy NCATE and TEAC accreditation visits, the more detailed information will remain on these respective sites for the 暂时. Look for the launch of the comprehensive new CAEP website this summer!
Dr. Obadiah Simmons, Jr., 主管/主任
部门 of Kinesiology, Sport and 休闲研究
Assembly Center, Suite 148
Phone: (318) 274-6278
Fax: (318) 274-3346