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The mission of the College of Business is to prepare students from historically different backgrounds and levels of preparation through experiential and classroom activities to become “career–ready”. Students will be trained to apply critical thinking skills, knowledge of business functions, and technical and soft skills in a diverse, inclusive, ethical and culturally sensitive global environment. We also support faculty in professional development and in relevant research needed to impact the classroom and the local and worldwide business community.
September 2019
The College of Business at Grambling State University is accredited by AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Organized in 1916, AACSB is the premier accrediting agency for degree programs in business.
The College of Business supports all business student organizations, as well as Phi Beta Lambda, which is open to all majors. In addition to providing quality instruction, the College has a diverse faculty who are committed to assisting students in intellectual and professional development.
GSU Box 4215 – 403 Main Street
Jacob T. Stewart Building, Room 376
Office Number: (318) 274-2275
Fax Number: (318) 274-2191